McKenna Geotechnical is a Vancouver-based engineering and consulting firm providing the highest quality in landform design, tailings and mine waste management, and reclamation. The firm develops mine closure plans, landform and watershed designs, and technical guidance documents. We provide expert consulting engineering services for mines in Canada and abroad, and offer courses on landform design and closure.

Our areas of expertise include geotechnical site investigations and designs for a variety of mining foundations, dumps, dams, and burrow. These site investigations involve characterizing large mine waste facilities for landform design. Our design and construction experience includes includes highwall dragline mining, refinery foundation designs, sulphur block burial, geotechnical instrumentation, geotechnical risk assessment, tailings dam design, tailings R&D, waste rock dumps, and various dam safety inspections and reviews.

Gord McKenna
• Résumé
• Biography
• Photography

Founder Gord McKenna has more than 30 years of experience providing professional consulting expertise to mines in Canada and around the world. Gord has led expert teams of specialists, consultants, and practitioners in developing numerous mine closure plans, landform and watershed designs, and technical guidance documents for end pit lakes, wetlands, covers and landform designs. He has led the design and construction of over a dozen large mine reclamation watersheds. Many of these projects were instrumented watersheds for reclamation research, each of which fostered several post-graduate degrees. The information acquired from the design, construction, operation, and research related to these projects has been synthesized and communicated to practitioners and regulators as part of novel tech-transfer programs.

Gord has served on several geotechnical and geo-environmental review boards and expert panels, and has authored dozens of papers and book chapters. Gord’s team of associates and collaborates offer unmatched expertise in geology, hydrology, mine waste management, and mine reclamation.
